Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation report Monarch Pass-School bus rollover.

Flamboe, E. Keryeski, J.M. & Bischoff, D.

This reports documents the activities and findings of the Federal Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation GO Team with respect to a school bus accident that occurred on Monarch Pass in the town of Garfield, Colorado. The driver lost control of vehicle speed while descending an approximately 11 mile section of downgrade. Of the 48 passengers, 39 were ejected. All left side posts completely separated. This discontinuity in the superstructure permitted the ejection of 37 of the 39 occupants, Nine fatalities occurred as a result of this accident. All fatalities where either totally or partially ejected.

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A 9755

Washington, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1972. 27cm. 110 blz. foto's tekn.

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