Multidisciplinary accident investigation summaries. Volume 3, No. 1.


The report contains case summaries of recent in-depth reports submitted by NHTSA sponsored multidisciplinary accident investigation teams in a continuing series of publications. These case reports are individual studies of accidents generally involving vehicles of the last three model years of fatal, injury producing, or property damage severity. The teams investigate the accidents in depth-concerning themselves with the elements of the collision (human, vehicle, environment) as they interact with each phase of the collision (pre-crash, crash, post-crash). The summaries consist of identification information, basic information on the highway and vehicles involved, a description of the drivers and occupants, a phase-by-phase description of the sequence of events of the collision, and a list of the casual factors, conclusions and recommendations which emanate for the reports.

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B 23424 /81/82/83/91/

Washington D.C., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1972, 261 p., fig., tab.; DOT HS 600 775.

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