Multiphase driver education in Austria.

Bartl, G.

Based on findings of the European Union (EU), project ‘DAN’, Austrian experts elaborated a proposal for an improved driver education system. Following this multiphase concept, novice drivers have to participate in two further feedback drives in real traffic, in a six-hour safe driving course and in a two-hour traffic psychological seminar. Now the Government is convinced of the advantages and the law proposal will pass through parliament with the new law expected to take effect in January 2003. By referring to a successful multiphase system in Finland, a significant accident reduction can be expected in Austria (about 20 per cent). National economic savings of about 270 million Euros per year are estimated as a result of this accident reduction. (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract see ITRD E116881.

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C 25397 (In: C 25393 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E116885

In: Behavioural research in road safety XII : proceedings of the 12th seminar on behavioural research in road safety, 2002, p. 46-50, 1 ref.

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