Naar een schoner goederenvervoer in Europa.

Schoemaker, T.J.H. & Binsbergen, A.J. van

Besides the positive, the negative consequences of freight transport receive more and more attention. In this context, it is not only concerned with noise pollution and odour nuisance, but also with the emission of fumes. In view of the current economic and logistic developments, it is expected that these problems will increase in the future. Yet, there are possibilities to tackle the problem of damage to the environment. Not only the industry and the transport firms can play an important role in taking measures to decrease the environmental problem, but also the governments of the European countries.

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C 280 (In: C 275) /72.2 /93 / IRRD 848336

In: Goederenvervoer in Europees perspectief : verslag symposium 25 maart 1992, p. 5-5.15, 8 ref.

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