A national program of research and development for highway transportation.

Baker, R.F.

An integrated and balanced program of research and development in the field of highway transportation has been developed by the Bureau of Public Roads. The following three high priority problems emerge as being of greatest significance to the development of efficient transportation: 1. Highway safety, 2. Urban Transportation, 3. Reduction in Costs of Construction and Maintenance. To achieve the goals of the National Program, active effort will be directed toward seven program goals, three of which will require theoretical research, and four concerned with applied research and development. In order to achieve these seven goals, 28 major projects are defined, each of which evolved from a series of reviews of transportation. The objective and scope of each of these projects are included.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 3134 fo

Bureau of Public Roads, 1965, 31 p.

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