National road safety action plan 2003 and 2004.

Australian Transport Council

The National Road Safety Strategy 2001–2010 and the Action Plan 2003 and 2004 have been adopted by the Australian Transport Council. The Council comprises Federal, State and Territory Ministers with transport responsibilities and includes an observer from local government. The Strategy provides a framework which complements the strategic road safety plans of State, Territory and local governments and other stakeholders in road safety. The target of the Strategy is to reduce the annual number of road fatalities per 100,000 population by 40%, from 9.3 in 1999 to no more than 5.6 in 2010. This target is to be achieved by individual governments with the support of the community: 1. continuing the existing road safety initiatives that have caused the fatality rate to drop from 30.4 in 1970 (per 100,000 population); 2. focusing on the Strategic Objectives identified in the Strategy and identifying and pursuing suitable Action Areas and measures from this Action Plan to achieve those Objectives; and 3. adopting other initiatives that address local imperatives. The range of action areas and their applicability will change over time. In this Action Plan the Australian Transport Council has identified a menu of Action Areas that are available for implementation in 2003 and 2004. Also listed are some measures that contribute to these Action Areas. (Author/publisher)

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C 23511

Civic Square, ACT, Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB, 2002, 34 p., 25 ref.

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