National road safety politics : a contradictory and suppressed field of decision making.

Koeltzow, K.

The values, knowledge and experience of decision makers are considered important as to the implementation of road safety measures. The attitudes and knowledge of important national decision makers within road transport and road safety were therefore studied to answer these questions: (1) What are the main barriers to more efficient decision making within road safety ? (2) How can road safety research contribute to reducing these barriers ? (3) Can road safety work be more efficiently organized ? (4) What other ways to reduce the barriers? The article describes a project aimed at communication between decision makers and the research community. The conclusions reflect a need for a new level of commitment to road accident prevention amongst Norway's decision makers at all levels. National traffic safety work should be reorganized, and a separate Department of Road Safety established within the Ministry of Transport.

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C 6504 (In: C 6503 S) /10 / IRRD 841655

In: Proceedings of road safety and traffic environment in Europe in Gothenburg, Sweden, September 26-28, 1990, VTI rapport 365A, p. 1-12

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