National survey of drinking and driving attitudes and behaviors : 2008. Volume I : Summary report.

Drew, L. Royal, D. Moulton, B. Peterson, A. & Haddix, D.

This report presents results from the eighth in a series of national telephone surveys conducted for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to assess current status and trends regarding the public’s attitudes, knowledge, and self-reported behavior related to drinking and driving. This Volume I: Summary Report, presents key results from the survey, including the reported frequency of drinking and driving, perceptions of drinking and driving as a problem, actions taken to prevent drinking and driving, attitudes and experience with enforcement of the drinking and driving laws, and the perceived effectiveness of different intervention strategies. Volume II: Findings Report provides an in-depth analysis of the topics presented in Volume I, in addition to other topics of interest. Volume III: Methodology Report describes the methods used to conduct the interviews and analyze the data, and includes copies of the questionnaires. (Author/publisher)

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20101426 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2010, VI + 26 p.; DOT HS 811 342

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