NATO symposium on image evaluation (assessment), held at Munich 18-22 August, 1969.

Leibowitz, H.W. R. Schrader & M. Knight.

The following papers were submitted: Visual Performance and the use of Image Intensifiers, Beurle, R.L.; Size and Raster Scan Line Effects Upon Usefulness of Television Displays, Erickson, R.A.; Nocturnal Illumination and Decrease of Contrast in the Atmosphere, Schie, J. van; The Systems Approach to Image Interpretation Research, Birnbaum, A.; Sensor Design Requirements, Snyder, H.L.; Evaluation of Color Combination in Reconnaissance Displays, MacLeod, S.; The Effect of Image Contrast and Resolution on Photo-interpreter Target Detection and Identification, MacLeod, S.; Image Evaluation for the Prediction of the Performance of a Human Observer, Self, H.C.; Eye Movements During Visual Search, Gould, J.R.; The Effect of Systematically Varying the Difference in Size of Target and Non-Target Background Stimuli, Bloomfield, J.; Factors Underlying Visual Search Performance, Taylor, J.; Testing Visual Search Theory, Bloomfield, J. & C.I. Howarth; The Definition of the Concept of Image, Ronchi, V.; Energetic Theory of the Resolving Power, Ronchi, V.; The Effect of Target Movement on Visual Resolution, Reading, V.; Dynamic Visual Acuity (Abstract), Munker, H.; A Contribution to the Signal Detection Theory, Schmidtke, H.; Instrument Myopia (Abstract), Schober, H.; Contrast Sensitivity in Instrumental Vision, Meeteren, A. van; Sur la Simulation d'une Retine, Grolleau, J.; Experimental Investigation of the Discrimination Characteristic in Visual Perception and its Relation to Image Processing, Orhaug, T.; Contributions of Automatic Pattern Recognition to the Study of Human Pattern Perception, Dansereau, D.F. The papers of this symposium are given. In 7 different sessions the following topics were outlined and discussed: 1) real-time interpretation, image intensifiers, and television systems 2) systems studies 3) image parameters 4) search and detection 5) the human visual system 6) problems arising in the use of official instruments 7) theoretical studies, simulation, automatic pattern recognition.

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A 8291

NATO, 1969, 333 p.

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