Natural movement : or, configuration and attraction in urban pedestrian movement. Paper presented at the European Conference on the Representation and Management of Urban Change, University of Cambridge, England, 28-29 September 1989.

Hillier, B. Penn, A. Hanson, J. Grajewski, T. & Xu, J.

Existing theories relating patterns of pedestrian and vehicular movement to urban form characterise the problem in terms of flows to and from 'attractor' land uses. This paper contains evidence in support of a new 'configurational' paradigm in which a primary property of the form of the urban grid is to privilege certain spaces over others for through movement. In this way it is suggested that the configuration of the urban grid itself is the main generator of patterns of movement.

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Environment and Planning B : Planning and Design, Vol. 20 (1993), No. 1 (January), p. 29-66, 9 ref.

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