Navigation by blind people in complex spaces : ergonomic considerations of electronic mobility aids.

Weetman, R.I. & Baber, C.

This paper presents evidence to support the belief that the electronic mobility aids currently available are unsuitable for the function for which they are designed: they not only fail to provide useful information to visually impaired people, they also present information in an inappropriate format. This last point means that electronic mobility aids can be expected to hinder rather than help navigation. Ergonomics issues are discussed and approaches to new designs are proposed.

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C 1423 (In: C 1359 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD 856233

In: Comotred 92 : mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons : proceedings of the 6th international conference, May 31st - June 3rd 1992, Eurexpo, Lyon, France, Volume 1, 1992, p. 503-511, 32 ref.

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