Nederlandse norm NEN-EN 1317-1 Afschermende constructies voor wegen. Deel 1: terminologie en algemene criteria voor beproevingsmethoden = EN 1317-1 Road restraint systems. Part 1: terminology and general criteria for test methods.

Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut NNI, Normcommissie 353 052 "Geleiderail"

In order to improve and maintain highway safety, the design of safer roads require the installation, on certain sections of road and at particular locations, the installation of devices to restrain vehicles and pedestrians from entering dangerous zones or areas. The road restraint systems designated in this standard are designed to specified performance levels of containment and to redirect errant vehicles and to provide guidance for pedestrians or other road users. The objective of this standard is to provide a procedure whereby the present national standards and regulations, which currently pertain in member countries, can be harmonised to a common European Standard. (A)

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990545 ST N

Delft, Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut NNI, 1998, 36 p.; NEN-EN 1317-1:1998

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