Nederlandse Praktijk Richtlijn NPR 13201-1:2002 : openbare verlichting, deel 1: kwaliteitscriteria = Public lighting. Part 1: quality criteria.

Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut NNI, Normcommissie 351 005 "Verlichting"

This NPR gives guidelines for the choice of road lighting that matches as good as possible to the outdoor public traffic area situation. It defines lighting classes for road lighting aiming at the visual needs of road users. They are related to the technical aspects of road utilisation and behaviour in different traffic situations. (A)

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20021198 ST N

Delft, Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut NNI / Arnhem, Nederlandse Stichting Voor Verlichtingskunde NSVV, 2002, 38 p., 14 ref. + CD-ROM; NPR 13201-1:2002

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