The neglected epidemic : road traffic injuries in developing countries.

Nantulya, V.M. & Reich, M.R.

This review indicates that road traffic injuries are a major public health problem in developing countries. More than 85% of deaths and 90% of disability adjusted life years lost from road traffic injuries occur in developing countries. Among children aged 0-4 and 5-14 years, the number of fatalities per 100,000 population in low income countries was about six-fold greater than in high income countries in 1998. The highest burden of injuries and fatalities in developing countries occurs among poor people (pedestrians, passengers in buses/minibuses and cyclists).

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C 27445 [electronic version only] /83 /10 /81 / ITRD E113694

British Medical Journal, Vol. 324 (2002), No. 7346 (May 11), p. 1139-1141, 17 ref.

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