Netwerkwaarde station : welke stations hebben de meeste potentie?

Hagen, M. van Munnik, J.H. de & Peek, G.-J.

Network value of rail stations: Which stations have the highest potential? The position of a station in the rail network and the density of it's surroundings are of the greatest influence on the stations economic potential. A calculation of the network value makes this clear .This calculation consists of two parts. First of all we calculate the added potential that measures the centrality of the station. This is calculated by dividing the total of passengers of all stations in the network by the average travel time to these stations. Secondly we calculate the potential of the station itself. Which stands for the density of the surroundings. This is defined by the total amount of passengers of the station itself. Next we can calculate the influence of some major changes in the Dutch rail infrastructure network on the potential of all the Dutch stations. The stations of Breda and Zwolle profit most of these changes. Duivendrecht and Bunnik are the big losers. This way of calculating the network value of stations seams to be an easy way of getting an eye on the economic potential of station locations. (Author/publisher)

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20021822 a7 ST (In: ST 20021822 a [electronic version only])

In: De kunst van het verleiden : 29ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 28 en 29 november 2002, deel 1, p. 91-107, 8 ref.

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