Neue Ansätze für die Beschreibung und verkehrspolitische Diskussion von Mobilitätsbedürfnissen.

Weich, G.

Many industrialised countries are generally discussing and demanding measures to influence or even reduce the apparently limiless growth of population mobility. The ADAC "mobility" study distinquishes between "purpose mobility" and "adventure mobility" in order to describe the various, very subjective and often emotional motives for mobility of all types, and to explain why a "rational" policy of transport restriction can only incorporate a limited number of these needs.

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B 31097 (In:B 31093) /10 /71 / IRRD 321731

In: Roads and Traffic 2000. Proceedings of the International Road and Traffic Conference, Berlin, 6- 9 September 1988, Volume III, p. 27- 32, 6 ref. Theme III: Traffic Economy.

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