Neue Kommunikationsmedien : Einsatz in Unternehmen und Auswirkungen auf den Verkehr.

Rangosch, S.

Increased employment of modern telecommunication methods such as e-mail, data transfer or video conferencing will not reduce the number of business trips. The reason is that telecommunications enable companies to co-operate with business partners over longer distances and this will eventually cause more business and goods traffic than can be saved through "electronic contacts". These conclusions are based on an analysis of the three most important impacts of an increased usage of telecommunications: (i) the rationalisation through telematics for transport itself; (ii) the replacement of business travels with telecommunication; and (iii) and the triggering of additional traffic through increased co-operation over longer distances as made possible by telecommunications. A survey carried out by this project reveals that among companies making extensive usage of modern telecommunications fewer than 10% use video conferencing. A quarter of the companies surveyed have reduced their business travels, but for 60% this has not changed at all. More in-depth interviews confirmed that more and more work is carried out by international teams: although telecommunications enable more efficient co-operation over longer distances, the companies interviewed stated that without personal contacts and travelling, in particular for establishing teams, important customer contacts and management meetings would be impossible. (A)

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20000896 ST

Bern, Nationales Forschungsprogramm NFP, 2000, XXI + 100 + 13 p., 85 ref.; Berichte des Nationales Forschungsprogramm NFP 41 "Verkehr und Umwelt" ; Bericht A7

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