Neuere Entwicklungen bei 2- Komponenten- Markierungen. 25 Jahre Erfahrungen mit Kaltplastik.

Reidt, W.

The development of cold- setting two- compound road markings is discussed. First were two- compound markings with a thickness of 3 mm, which produced excellent residual values in the days of vehicles with studded tyres. A reduction is course thickness to 2 mm was next attempted with success. The change to two- compound spray procedures will make course thickness of 0.4 - 0.1 mm possible.

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B 31091 (In: B 31082) /23 /35 / IRRD 321650

In: Roads and Traffic 2000. Proceedings of the International Road and Traffic Conference, Berlin, 6- 9 September 1988, Volume II /2, p. 243- 246, 8 ref. Theme II: Road Construction and Maintenance.

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