New and improved model of passing sight distance on two-lane highways.

Glennon, J.C.

A mathematical model is derived for describing the critical nature of the passing manoeuvre on two-lane highways. This model is based on the hypothesis that a critical position exists during the passing manoeuvre where the passing sight distance requirements to either complete or abort the pass are equal. At this point, the decision to complete the pass will provide the same head-on clearance to an opposing vehicle as will the decision to abort the pass. Current highway practice in both designing and marking for passing sight distance uses a model that assumes that once a driver starts a pass, he must continue until the pass is completed. In other words, the model assumes that the driver has no opportunity to abort the pass. Because this hypothesis is unrealistic, the model derived here is recommended for determining new passing sight distance requirements for both designing and marking passing zones. Suggested values are given for these requirements. A brief analysis is also presented of the sensitivity of passing sight distance requirements to vehicle length. This analysis shows that the effect of truck length is not as dramatic as previously reported in the literature.

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C 14712 (In: C 14699 S) /21 / IRRD 828124

In: Geometric design and operational effects, Transportation Research Record No. 1195, p. 132-137, 15 ref.

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