A new angle on bus tracking.

Caltabiano, R. & Padulosi, U.

Bus tracking systems needing frequent updates occupy telecommunication lines even when the buses run to schedule. A new approach is to obtain messages from vehicles only when abnormal situations arise. This can be achieved by `mobile co-operative computing' (MCC) technology, whose adoption creates a system that includes and integrates all the computers on mobile vehicles and central sites. The Italian company t&t Telematica has designed ExBus (Executive Bus System) as an enhanced automatic vehicle monitoring system to increase the quality of public transport. The system architecture designed by t&t enables any public transport company to solve its automation problems, using advanced, economically competitive, operationally profitable technology. ExBus can interface with various bus devices, need not have an interface with the bus driver, allows simple management of the collected data, and is very reliable and easy to maintain. Its performance is very good, and it is very reliable and flexible. Its hardware and software complies with appropriate standards, and uses high quality techniques. The ExBus operator is informed only of anomalous, dangerous or alarming events, namely events whose parameters exceed specified values.

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C 20794 (In: C 20757) /72 /73 / IRRD 890328

In: Traffic technology international '97, p. 316-320

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