A new approach to quantify passive safety of vehicles.

Wech, L. & Hartmann, R.

In recent years, the buyers of passenger cars have become increasingly aware of safety aspects. This resulted in enhanced active safety, but also in the consideration of passive safety. An objective evaluation procedure is necessary in order to comparatively present the crash test results of different vehicle types. Precise evaluation criteria must be found which make it possible to exactly judge a vehicle's passive safety. The electronically controlled vehicle (ECV) crash test, developed by the TÜV Bayern Group in Germany, makes it possible to evaluate a vehicle's deformation behaviour regardless of the passenger load. The main criteria for this test are the deformation of the vehicle's front, vehicle's front, the stability of the passenger cell, the intrusion of interior components, fire risk and passenger rescue. This objective evaluation pattern makes it easier to understand the test results and can also be integrated into a biomechanical evaluation. (A)

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C 9317 (In: C 9195 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 894970

In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Munich, Germany, May 23-26, 1994, Volume 2, Paper 94-s8-o-02, p. 1305-1311, 4 ref.

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