The new automobile windshield and its effectiveness in reducing facial lacerations.

Huelke, D.F. W.C. Grabb R.O. Dingman & O’Neal, R.M.

Facial lacerations from head impact to the new automobile windshield are markedly reduced in number, extent, and severity. Previously, when the pre-1966 thinner laminate windshield was impacted by the head, slicing lacerations were typically produce abrasions and small lacerations of the forehead and nose that often do not require surgical closure. There is no evidence that the incidence of intracranial or neck injury is increased by striking the new windshield.

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A 5716 fo IRRD 46004

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol. 41 (1968), No. 6 (June), p. 554-9

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