New car assessment program results and the risk of injury in actual accidents.

Jones, I.S. Whitfield, R.A. & Carroll, D.M.

The risk of injury for particular car makes and models was examined in relation to their corresponding crash performance in the 35 mph new car assessment program's (NCAP) frontal barrier tests. The risk of fatal or incapacitating injury was modeled using logistic regression techniques so the effects of confounding factors such as car mass, age of driver, crash severity and restraint use could be effectively controlled. The NCAP test results were entered in the model by using the values of head injury criterion (HIC), chest deceleration (CD), and femur load as independent variables.

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B 27320 (In: B 27275 [electronic version only]) /84 /91 / IRRD 801586

In: 10th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Oxford, England, July 1-4, 1985, p. 371-380, 10 ref.

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