New composite propellant with high temperature stability and low toxicity combustion gases for micro gas generators for automotive safety.

Perotto, C. & Banes, L.

This paper deals with a new Composite Propellant specially developed for use in Micro Gas Generators for Automotive Safety Equipments like seat belt refractors or pretensioners. This new propellant has a unique continuous production process and fulfils all automotive specifications in terms of toxicity and ageing characteristics. This "Green" Composite Propellant will become a first choice to replace Nitrocellulose based propellant used today. Technology of Micro Gas Generator using Composite propellant called ® MGC ¯ is based on knowledge obtained during years of first generation Nitrocellulose propellant production, of which AUTOLIV INFLATORS-NCS is the worldwide leader with more than 35 million parts produced each year. For the covering abstract see ITRD E126782.

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C 34314 (In: C 34286) /91 / ITRD E126810

In: Proceedings of the 6th international symposium and exhibition on sophisticated car occupant safety systems - Airbag 2002 - held Karlsruhe, Germany, December 2002, p. 31.1-31.8

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