New concepts and materials for passive safety of motorcyclists.

Sala, G. & Astori, P.

A new type of road safety barrier for motorcyclists, that can be added to existing devices, has been evaluated by means of a multibody numerical method. The results are compared, in terms of main injury criteria, with simulations of motorcyclist impacts against conventional concrete and steel barriers. The device consists of a lower rail which can softly absorb a motorcyclist impact, without interfering with car and truck collisions. Input parameters for the model are derived from experimental testing and finite element analysis (FEA). Brief attention is paid to a cost/benefit analysis performed to evaluate the real feasibility and convenience of the solution.

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C 16578 (In: C 16548) /85 / ITRD E203755

In: Proceedings of the 1998 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Göteborg, Sweden, September 16-18, 1998, p. 425-436, 17 ref.

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