A new deal for trunk roads in England : guidance on the new approach to appraisal.


A key objective of the Roads Review (IRRD 491258) has been to develop a clear and open framework to appraise and inform the prioritisation of trunk road investment proposals. To achieve this objective, the Government has developed a new approach to appraisal which is broadly based and considers a wide range of options. The new approach to appraisal was drawn up initially to address the problems identified in the Roads Review. However, it is expected to be of continuing value for those appraising road investment proposals, thus this document has been prepared to provide guidance to enable it to be applied consistently by the Highways Agency, local authorities and others. The approach described in this document is very closely modelled on that adopted for the Roads Review, the main differences arising as a result of the scope which exists for improvements in methodology when a project is actively being appraised. (A) The guide includes four appraisal summary tables: (1) overview; (2) environment; (3) safety and economy; (4) accessibility and integration.

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C 14556 [electronic version only] /21 / IRRD E101623

London, Department Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, Highways Economics and Traffic Appraisal Division, 1999, 93 p.

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