New large-scale car parking systems which utilize underground space.

Hida, K.

This paper describes a large urban underground car parking system, now being developed in Japan, that incorporates a new method of mechanical car parking. This system aims to promote the development of large car parks in major cities, and effectively use underground space. It applies the following three models, so that it can handle a large variety of design requirements: (1) shield tunnel underground car parking, using large-diameter excavated shield tunnels; (2) deep shaft underground car parking, using car parks very deep underground, reached by high-speed lifts; and (3) high speed carrier underground parking, using large underground spaces below buildings and public land. These car parks can handle numbers of cars can handle numbers of cars between 100 and 2000, according to their specific design. Each type of car parking system is described in moderate detail. The systems were jointly developed by the Kajima Corporation and machinery manufacturers, in response to the rapidly increasing demand for large car parks in Japan. The main development principles were: (1) efficient land use; (2) use of mechanical car parking devices to improve space usage; (3) reduced construction costs; (4) more usable facilities; and (5) improved safety and environment.

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C 5320 (In: C 5303) /72 / IRRD 870092

In: Proceedings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Seminar on Advanced Road Transport Technologies TT3, Omiya, Japan, June 6 - June 9, 1994, p. 229-240

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