A new location referencing method for unique reconstruction of an object on a second map.

Demir, C.

Current methods used for the location referencing of objects between two databases (here road maps) are table-orientated, like the TMC location referencing method. These techniques are standardized European-wide, but they also contain a lot of disadvantages: (a) number of referable objects are limited; (b) table entries do not permit a conclusion on the position of the referenced object; (c) tables for transmitters and the receivers must be identical; and (d) tables must be regularly updated (transmitters and receiver-laterally). Therefore in this paper a method is presented which is highly applicable for efficient wireless transmission, precisely for uniform referencing, universally in order to describe each component of the digital map, generically for being based only on map contents and independently from a certain data model / - structure. The geo referencing technique SPOT ("SPacial Object Tags") will be described and existing problems will be pointed out. Subsequently the enhanced method ROSA (Reconstruction of Objects on a Second mAp) will presented and its advantages and yet existing disadvantages as well as methods of their solutions will be pointed out.

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C 31578 (In: C 31321 CD-ROM) /21 / ITRD E826339

In: ITS - enriching our lives : proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Chicago, Illinois, October 14-17, 2002, 11 p.

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