New paint provides alternative to water-based and solvent products.

Cataphote Inc.

This short article describes Thermo-Quik, a pavement marking system designed to provide an environmentally acceptable alternative to water- and solvent-based paints. The material is composed of heat-stable resins, pigments, fillers and special high adhesion reflective glass beads. Sprayed in granular form to a thickness of 30 mils, drying in most cases is instant. Graphs are presented comparing the properties of Thermo-Quik with a solvent-based paint and a water-based paint. Details are given of trials of the material including its use in damp, foggy conditions in California. Environmental advantages extend to container disposal with Thermo-Quik being supplied in thermodegradable plastic bags.

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C 20751 (In: C 20695) /85 / IRRD 866084

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 258-260

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