New to the road : reducing the risks for young motorists : proceedings of the first annual international conference of the Youth Enhancement Service, Los Angeles, June 8-11, 1995.

Simpson, H.M. (ed.)

Collisions involving young motorists, particularly those between the ages of 16 and 19, have been a worldwide road safety and public health concern for several decades. Some progress has been made in recent years, e.g., the death rate from motor vehicle crashes has declined among young drivers more so than among other age groups. Nevertheless, the death and injury rates among people under the age of 20 are still far greater than for other groups. It continues to be a major social problem. And, despite the fact that the causes of the problem are diverse and complex, it cannot be viewed as intractable. Solutions can be found. These facts underscore the continuing need for effective programs and policies to address the problem of road crashes involving young motorists. To provide a forum for identifying such initiatives, and international symposium of recognized experts was convened. The results are contained in these proceedings, which are divided into two major sections. The first part of the proceedings summarizes the key findings from the papers and related discussion and identifies research and information needs as well as priority programs and policies for reducing the risks of young motorists. The second part of these proceedings contains the 14 formal papers presented at the Symposium. (A)

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Los Angeles, CA, University of California at Los Angeles UCLA, School of Medicine, Brain Information Service, Youth Enhancement Service, 1996, VII + 148 p., 436 ref.

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