New transport technology for older people : an OECD - MIT International Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 23-24 September 2003.


On 23-24 September 2003, the OECD Working Group on Human Factors of Technology for Older Road Users and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) AgeLab co-sponsored an international symposium titled: “New Transport Technology for Older People” on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The symposium’s objective was to explore impacts of transport technologies on older road users’ mobility, safety, and accessibility. The program featured presentations by public and private sector professionals from over a dozen countries, representing a variety of disciplines including geriatric medicine and Public Health, technology development, safety research, public transport providers, the automotive manufacturing and insurance industries, and policy analysis. The OECD Working Group, led by Dr. Joseph Coughlin, Director of the MIT AgeLab, produced a series of recommendations which includes those suggested by the symposium speakers. These are included in the symposium summary, followed by a synopsis of each presenter’s key points. This report is divided into three parts: Part 1 offers a thematic overview of the topics discussed, Part 2 discusses recommendations for policy and research that were gleaned from the two-day symposium and a follow-on meeting of the OECD Working Group on Human Factors of Transport Technology for Older Persons held on 25 September 2003, and Part 3 contains chronological speaker-by-speaker summaries of all of the symposium presentations. Selected papers that were presented at this symposium are scheduled for publication by the MIT Press in 2004. (Author/publisher)

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20041099 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD / Cambridge, MA, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, AgeLab, 2004, 59 p.

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