New TRB report: access management manual: TRB committee documents the state of the art.

Williams, K.M.

In the past few decades, substantial research has advanced the state of the practice of access management, which involves the systematic control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, interchanges, and street connections, as well as median and auxiliary lane treatments and the spacing of traffic signals. This research, combined with new agency policies, plans, and programs, has provided insights into the impacts of access management techniques, has identified best practices, and has produced guidelines. The information, however, is dispersed across a variety of sources, making it difficult for practitioners to locate, evaluate, and apply. In 1996, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Access Management initiated a project to compile the best information on the subject into a single, comprehensive resource documenting the state of the art. The "Access Management Manual," published by TRB in May 2003, is the culmination of this multiyear effort. The manual was prepared by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida, with oversight and assistance from the committee and its subcommittees. The manual's contents are briefly reviewed in this article.

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I E828215 /21 /73 / ITRD E828215

TR News. 2003 /09. (228) pp39-40 (1 Phot.)

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