New York State safety car makes its debut.


Systems analysis techniques were used to develop a prototype design of the new york state safety car. The study leading to prototype design covered all phases of vehicle safety-collision prevention, prevention of injury to occupants in crashes, prevention of injury to pedestrians, post-crash environment, and nonoperating safety. Two basic design concepts were developed. Concept i for a family of cars with high safety level, and concept ii with a reduced safety level, accounted for by less provision for front end energy absorption, less space for passenger displacement under crash loads, and a primary structure of lower rigidity. The safety engineering design provision and cost are discussed. Prototype design indicates cost to approximate that of conventional cars. The integrated design safety car approach, having a very high effectiveness for its cost, is recommended as an approach to the traffic safety casualty problem.

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A 192 T

SAE Journal, Vol. 75 (1967), No. 3 (March), p. 36-47, 5 FIG

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