New Zealand road safety research 2002.


Presented here is the 2002 edition of New Zealand Road Safety Research. The information presented in this document is collected towards the end of each year in a survey of New Zealand research and funding organisations. It includes all reported research with a New Zealand component on any aspect of road safety being undertaken or completed during the year under review. As a government agency the Land Transport Safety Authority is charged by statute with fostering and co-ordinating road safety research. Research projects described in the document are arranged alphabetically by title under seven principal subject areas, namely: Alcohol and Drugs, Data Analysis, Economics, Engineering, Human Factors, Public Health and Miscellaneous. The information included in this report is also provided in electronic form to ARRB Transport Research Ltd, which produces the Australian Transport Index database (ATRI). (Author/publisher)

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C 26030 [electronic version only]

Wellington, Land Transport Safety Authority LTSA, 2003, 36 p. - ISSN 1174-6017

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