Next generation of roadbuilding needs methods for the madness : speed, safety and durability are the goals for future projects.

Cho, A. Powers, E.M. & Long, J.T.

The next generation of road building needs, such as speed, safety and durability, for the future projects, are discussed. The Pearl Harbor Memorial bridge, the Interstate highway system, in New Haven has marks its 50th year. The extradosed design, a combination of segmental girder and cable-stayed elements, for the Interstate 95 'Q' Bridge represents the innovation and experimentation that will mark the second 50 years of U.S. highway building. A 26-million dollar, 2,900-ft bridge in Panama City, Florida, is being built with two empty beam bearing seats on the foundation caps for two future lanes. Another method being pushed by the FHWA is that of offsite prefabrication and accelerated placement of bridges. (Author/publisher)

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20061135 ST [electronic version only]

ENR (Engineering News-Record), Vol. 256 (2006), No. 10 (13 March), p. 24-25

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