Nexus : developing a schema to contain disparate traffic data types for parallel distributed processing.

Fehlmann, S. Kelly, J. Mitchell, J. & Vogiatzis, N.

Traffic engineers require powerful data processing tools to perform meaningful analysis over these large collections of traffic data. Entry level data processing platforms, while inexpensive, are computationally impotent in such cases and off the shelf enterprise solutions, while capable, impose an unacceptable cost burden both in initial outlay and maintenance. To address this issue the University of South Australia Transport Systems Centre (TSC) has adopted a specialised data processing architecture termed the shared nothing architecture. This paper presents an experimental schema Nexus II. Building on earlier work, Nexus II integrates data types required for comprehensive traffic analysis and leverages the inherent extensibility of the shared nothing architecture and price-per-performance of commodity hardware. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214666.

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C 39250 (In: C 39229) [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E214687

In: ATRF06 : conference proceedings 29th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, September 2006, 15 p.

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