Night driving curfews for young drivers.

Williams, A.F. & Preusser, D.F.

This paper discusses the use of night driving curfews in New Zealand and parts of the United States. Statistics show that nighttime driving is particularly hazardous for young new drivers. A variety of schemes are described which prevent young drivers driving between certain hours or at certain stages in their driving experience. The results are presented of surveys concerning the opinions of young people and their parents on the concept of curfews.

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C 11220 (In: C 11088 c) /83 / IRRD 896793

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety : proceedings of the 14th ICADTS International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety T'97, Annecy, France, 21 September - 26 September 1997, Volume 3, p. 1043-1048, 13 ref.

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