No such thing as a free ride.

Pickford, A.

This article concerns the development of European standards for electronic toll collection systems. As road toll collection becomes more widespread the need to standardise the technology has increased, to enable highway users and operators to have freedom of choice and predictable performance when selecting on-board units and roadside equipment from suppliers. A final set of specifications for dedicated short range communications (DSRC) was to be ratified in March 2003. However, the flexibility of the standard means more scope for confusion and interoperability is secured by ensuring that components and systems comply with several specification documents. This enables operators to take advantage of existing technology and benefit from economies of scale. Differences between systems still exist and need to be addressed at a European level. The emerging standards are also being adopted by non-European countries world-wide. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118381.

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C 26008 (In: C 26000) /73 / ITRD E118389

In: Traffic technology international 2003 : the 2003 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 66-69, 7 ref.

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