Non-destructive testing of lighting columns : an assessment of current and future testing methods.

Howard, A.

This paper assesses various non-destructive methods of testing lighting columns which are currently available or being developed. This assessment is based on inspection and testing work conducted by Mouchel Consulting Limited for various UK local authorities. All authorities need to undertake a structured programme of column screening which should be as cost-effective as possible while providing suitable record information. Visual and aural inspections are good indicators of potential problems, and can be conducted at negligible cost at times of routine maintenance or electrical testing. Information from them can then be used to target other forms of testing on selected columns. Ultrasonic testing (costing about £7 to £10 per unit) and potential measurements indicate any corrosion and the current state of the column. Random screening using these methods should be conducted on about 3-5% of columns. Static load testing (costing about £39 per unit) is the only method currently available for performing a full and detailed testing of a column. When it has been developed, the use of guided wave inspection is likely to have cost comparable to that of ultrasonic methods, and some other advantages. Lighting engineers who have no structural qualifications should not decide on structural integrity of columns.

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C 18313 [electronic version only] /85 / IRRD E100290

Lighting Journal, Vol. 63 (1998), No. 6 (November/December), p. 30-31, 33-35, 1 ref.

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