Non-exhaust particles in the road environment : a literature review.

Gustafsson, M.

Non-exhaust particles in the road environment originate from wear of asphalt road pavement, mainly caused by the use of studded tyres, and corrosion of vehicle components such as tyres and brakes. Other sources are road maintenance, road equipment and particles originating in the road surroundings. This literature survey aims at giving an overview of the current knowledge about airborne particles from these different sources in the context of characteristics and emissions as well as health and environmental effects. (Author/publisher)

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C 23456 (In: C 23450 S) /15 / ITRD E207784

In: PIARC 2002 XIth International Winter Road Congress, 28-31 January 2002, Sapporo (Japan) : reprints from proceedings of oral presentations, VTI Särtryck No. 350, 10 p., 53 ref.

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