Non-trading, lexicographic and inconsistent behaviour in stated choice data.

Hess, S. Rose, J.M. & Polak, J.

This paper discusses a number of issues relating to the pre-analysis and cleaning of stated choice data, where we look specifically at the problems caused by non-trading, lexicographic and inconsistent response patterns. We argue that this process is considerably more complex and challenging than many in the field have hitherto acknowledged, with the standard practice being the use of rather ad hoc procedures for the identification of these phenomena. A detailed analysis on four different stated choice datasets highlights the potential impacts of these methods on model estimation results. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E157038 /71 / ITRD E157038

Transportation Research Part D. 2010 /10. 15(7) Pp405-417 (15 Refs.)

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