Nondestructive tests for detecting discontinuities in aluminum alloy are welds.

Panian, F.C. Patsey, J.A. and Sager, G.F.

This paper describes an investigation conducted to evaluate radiographic and ultrasonic procedures for detecting 14 types of discontinuity in tig or mig arc welds in 2219-t87 aluminum alloy plate, and to determine the effects of these discontinuities on the static strength of the welded joints. The discontinuities studied were microporosity, linear porosity, scattered porosity, oxide inclusions, tungsten inclusions, lack of interpass fusion, lack of root fusion, lack of side fusion, incomplete root penetration, crater cracks, longitudinal cracks, craters, underbead folds and weld bead overlaps. The welds were examined metallographically to aid in establishing or confirming the types of discontinuity present. Although the above work was done on 2219-t87 aluminum alloy plate, the nondestructive tests employed could also be applied to other aluminum alloys.

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Highway Research Record, Hwy Res Board. 1965. No 95, pp 71-110, 32 FIG, 8 TAB

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