Normal driving behaviour at motorway interchanges.

Clayton, A.B. & Jarvis, J.R.

A technique for studying the merging behaviour of drivers at motorway interchanges has been developed. Based on the concept of interactions, it is designed to relate behaviour to traffic flow, vehicle type, and motorway design. The result of a pilot study have suggested that such relationships can be established.

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B 8063 (In: B 6372) /82.3/83.1/

In: A report on the road accident research project to the Science Research Council, submitted to the Science Research Council on the project number B/SR/1158, University of Birmingham, Department of Transportation and Environmental Planning, Departmental Report No. 42, 1972, Volume 2, Part 4, p. 132-148, 2fig., 2 graph., 4 tab., 9 ref.

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