The North Shore busway evaluation.

Smith, M.G. Foy, B.A. & Andjic, Z.

A busway has been proposed on the North Shore of Auckland of a number of years. It runs from Albany in the north to the Auckland Harbour Bridge, along a new two lane carriageway adjacent to the motorway. The carriageway is intended to carry buses, and High occupancy vehicles, and this dual function led to a number of issues as to who would fund the facility, and to what extent. That in turn led to issues as to how the busway should be evaluated, as the requirements of the two key funding agents (namely Transfund New Zealand and Infrastructure Auckland) were different. This paper describes the busway concept and its various components, and summarises the requirements of the key stakeholders. It then details the analytical process, data availability and confidentiality issues, and the modelling tools used in the evaluation. In particular, it looks at the options that were available at the outset, and the way these had to be adapted as the project progressed. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214058.

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C 37726 (In: C 37711) [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E214073

In: IPENZ Transportation Group Technical Conference papers 2001, Sky City, Auckland, 12 September 2001, 13 p.

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