Northern Ireland’s road safety strategy to 2020 : 2020 vision: driving road safety forward.

Department of Environment, Road Safety & Vehicle Regulation Division

Northern Ireland’s Road Safety Strategy to 2020 outlines the key challenges to be addressed over its life. These challenges will include: • continuing to reduce the numbers of road deaths and serious injuries; • focusing specifically on improving safety on rural roads; • working particularly to protect young drivers (age range 16-24) and motorcyclists; • reducing inappropriate and illegal road user behaviours including speeding, drink and drug driving and careless and dangerous driving; and • improving our knowledge and understanding of, and broadening involvement in, solving road safety problems. It highlights the main evidence, statistical analysis and research carried out and the consultation conducted to inform the Strategy. The safer systems approach was adopted, which considers roads, vehicles and road users together and seeks to ensure that each of these three elements takes account of the limitations or potential weaknesses in the other two. (Author/publisher)

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20130095 ST [electronic version only]

Belfast, Department of Environment, Road Safety & Vehicle Regulation Division, 2012, 114 p.

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