The Northumberland strait crossing project : the owners' perspective.

Feltham, J.A. Blight, W.D. Dewolf, A.G. MacDougall, R. & Vallis, R.B.

This paper was presented at the `Innovative Bridge Projects, 1993-96' session. The Northumberland Strait Crossing Project is the first of a number of deals struck by various levels of government which are structured using Public-Private Partnering Principles. This paper attempts to deal with a number of the issues and principles which governed the structure of the deal. The project is scheduled to be completed in May, 1997, a construction period of 44 months for 13 kilometres of bridge, 10 kilometres of approach roads and associated facilities. The authors believe the principles expressed will stand in good stead for other similar Public Private Partnering Projects. (A)

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In: Cost-effectiveness through innovation : proceedings of the 1996 Transportation Association of Canada TAC annual conference on CD-ROM, Charlottetown, October 6 to 9, 1996, p. -

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