Not-in-traffic surveillance 2007 : highlights.


The Not-in-Traffic Surveillance (NiTS) system is a virtual data collection system designed to provide counts and details regarding fatalities and injuries that occur in nontraffic crashes and in non-crash incidents. The NiTS 2007 system produced an overall annual estimate of 1,747 fatalities and 841,000 injuries in nontraffic crashes and noncrash incidents. The NiTS 2007 system provided information about an estimated 1,159 fatalities and 98,000 injuries that occurred in nontraffic crashes such as single-vehicle crashes on private roads, collisions with pedestrians on driveways, and two-vehicle crashes in parking facilities. The NiTS 2007 system also provided information about an annual average of 588 fatalities and 743,000 injuries in noncrash incidents involving passenger vehicle occupants or otherwise involving passenger vehicles. More than half of the noncrash fatalities occurred when a vehicle fell on a person who was under it or from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning. The most common types of noncrash injuries seen in emergency departments were injuries while entering or exiting a vehicle (estimated 164,000 per year), injuries from closing doors (estimated 148,000 per year) and injuries from overexertion such as while unloading cargo or pushing a disabled vehicle (estimated 88,000 per year). (Author/publisher)

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20090141 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2009, 2 p.; NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts Crash Stats; A Brief Statistical Summary ; January 2009 / DOT HS 811 085

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