Nottingham zones and collar study : results of the after surveys.

Cooper, B.R. & Layfield, R.E.

The Nottingham 'zones and collar' experiment in the western sector of the city was implemented in august 1975. The principal aim of the experiment was to make bus travel in the morning peak period more attractive by re-locating traffic queues at points where buses could be given priority. At the same time it was intended to limit the flow of traffic on the approaches to the city centre to august 1973 levels. Away from the selected delay points, the reduction in traffic would allow the remaining vehicles, including buses and commercial vehicles to flow freely. A 'before' study was made in April/may 1975 and a report on the results has been published. The present report gives results of the 'after' study made in April/may 1976 by TRRL, Nottinghamshire county council and the traffic advisory unit, now of the department of transport. these include surveys of bus and car journey times, traffic flows, infringements of the newly introduced traffic regulations and the use of the special 'park and ride' sites. To complement these a roadside interview survey was held and also a household interview survey to determine changes in the travel habits of individuals. (Author/publisher)


B 21809 [electronic version only] /72 /73 / IRRD 231915

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1978, 55 p., 4 ref.; TRRL Supplementary Report ; SR 365 - ISSN 0305-1315

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