A numerical model of the human ankle/foot under impact loading in inversion and eversion.

Beaugonin, M. Haug, E. & Cesari, D.

In this paper the simulation of the following principal movements in car crash is presented: the inversion and eversion. The experimental tests of Professor P. Begeman are chosen in order to validate the ankle/foot model. At first, the ankle/foot model with rigid bones is validated at different energy levels. The gross kinematics of the model is correlated with the experimental tests. At a local level, the main relative motions of the bones during the inversion and eversion were found in the simulation. For inversion, the calculated forces and moments at the point of fixation at mid-length of the leg are compared with test results. Future work will validate the model with deformable bones in the case of inversion and eversion. Both models will be validated also in static cases.

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C 8240 (In: C 8221 S [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 891654

In: Proceedings of the 40th Stapp Car Crash conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 4-6, 1996, SAE technical paper 962428, p. 239-249, 8 ref.

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