Nutzung von Radwegen in Gegenrichtung : Sicherheitsverbesserungen. [Use of cycle paths in opposite direction : improvements of safety.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt FE 77.0497/201 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.

Alrutz, D. Bohle, W. & Busek, S.

Knowledge about the high risk of cyclists riding irregular on the left road side is relative good, whereas there is just little knowledge about the safety of two-way cycle paths. The study should - compare the risk of cycling irregularly on the left road side with the risk of the left riding cyclists on two-way bicycle paths, - investigate the effect of different measures to protect left riding cyclists on two-way bicycle paths and - deduce strategies to increase safety in connection with riding on the left road side. The investigation was based on - A survey of municipalities and counties about the practice and experiences when permitting and protecting cycling on cycle paths in left direction, - Observation of traffic behavior of cyclists at two-way cycle paths compared with one way cycle paths, - Accident studies about the risk of cyclists riding in left direction and the effects of safeguarding measures, - Video recordings of cyclists and motorists at junctions and busy driveways with different safeguarding measures. Main results are: - At urban roads with two-way cycle paths, the portion of cyclists in one direction riding on the left road side is as twice as high as the portion of cyclists riding irregularly on the left side at one-way cycle-paths. - A lot of motorists turning into the major road don´t reduce their speed before crossing the cycle path along the major road and don't look in both directions onto the cycle path. This was observed especially when visibility between the cycle path and the minor road is reduced. - Many cyclists riding at two-way cycle paths are not aware of safety risks at junctions and busy driveways. - At two-way cycle paths, the average accident rate of cyclists riding in left direction is as twice as high as of cyclists riding in right direction. - At one-way cycle-paths, the average accident rate of cyclists riding irregularly in left direction is twice as high as of cyclists in left direction on two-way cycle paths. - For cyclists in left as well for cyclists in right direction, most accidents occur with motorists turning in from a minor road or a driveway. In general, single junctions or driveways where several accidents occur have a strong effect on the accident risk. - Restricted visibility between minor roads or driveways and cycle paths alongside major roads have strong effect on the accidents of cyclists in left direction. Conclusions: In general, cycling in left direction should be permitted as an exception. Recommendations are given for some additions at VwV § 2 Abs. 4, 3 and 4 StVO, to specify the legal requirements for permitting cycling in left direction. Special attention should be paid to danger points such as junctions and busy driveways as e.g. of filling stations or of parking grounds of shopping centres. Visibility requirements have to be verified. At crossovers of two-way cycle paths at junctions, in general cycle-pictograms and arrows in both directions of cycle-traffic should be marked. A raised cycle-path with ramps in the minor road reducing speed of motorists turning in raises safety of cyclists in both directions. Enforced information of cyclists and motorists about safety risks at junctions and driveways is required. Motorists should be sensitized to look in both directions onto the cycle path. Due to the safety risks, irregular cycling should be controlled and punished by a fine especially at roads where accidents of cyclists in left direction occurred. (Author/publisher)


20160347 ST [electronic version only] /83 /

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2015, 76 p.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Verkehrstechnik ; Heft V 261 - ISSN 0943-9331 / ISBN 978-3-95606-186-8

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